Author Archives: Justin

March Meeting

The next meeting will be held on March 19th at Langford Firehall #2. Start time is 7:30pm.

The Showtime theme will be: Cards!

Also, we will be holding the Ray Parker Unopened Deck competition at this meeting so this is a meeting you don’t want to miss!  Rules for the competition can be found here.

See you all there!

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March Round Table

The next Round Table is on Sunday, March 3rd at Quality Foods in View Royal.  10am-1pm

110-27 Helmcken Rd. across from Victoria General Hospital

Take the stairs or elevator across from the deli counter where you order Chinese take out.  When you get to the second floor, turn left off the stairs or right off the elevator and you will see the meeting room (just past the Starbucks coffee bar).

Bring some magic you’d like to share or work on.  See you then!

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Update! February 17 – Gregory Wilson Lecture

The location and time has changed for the Gregory Wilson Lecture!

New time: 2:30pm

New location: Intrepid Theatre, 1609 Blanshard St, Victoria, BC V8W 2J5

Lecture price remains the same: $20 for members and $40 for non-members

See you all there!

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February Meeting

The next meeting will be held on February 19th at Langford Firehall #2. Start time is 7:30pm.

The theme will be: AUCTION! That’s right! The most fun-filled, happiest meeting of the club’s year. Bring your JUNK lightly and lovingly used effects that are just sitting on your magic shelf and let it be some other sucker’s problem pass it along to some other magi who can put it to good use!

Remember, if you are selling, you will be limited to 10 items per lot (aka a sheet) but you can sell multiple lots.  Each lot will need to be triplicated (one sheet goes to the auctioneer, one sheet to the money taker, one sheet for yourself).  Sheets will be emailed out or you can download them from the Dues & Rosters menu from the Members section. Please contact an Executive for the password.

See you all there!

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