Author Archives: Justin

March Meeting

*** UPDATE***

The March 17th meeting has been cancelled. Please see the newsletter for further details. If you do not receive the newsletter and are a member in good standing, please contact to get on the mailing list.

Hopefully, we will meet at the April meeting, scheduled for April 21st. Please stay safe.

The next meeting will be held on March 17th (St Patrick’s Day! Remember to wear green!) at Langford Firehall #2. Start time is 7:30pm.

It’s also the night of Ray Parker’s Unopened Deck competition! So bring your best card routine but not your decks and compete for this coveted award! Rules can be found at this link

See you all there!

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The Victoria Magic Circle presents Tricky Tuesday at The Mint

The Victoria Magic Circle presents Tricky Tuesday at The Mint

Tricks aren’t just for kids anymore!

An evening of Comedy, Magic and Stuff that will make your Head Hurt!

Featuring: Dave Attwood, Jason Verners, Shayne King, Iain Duncan, Justin Louie, Craig McKee and a host of close-up magicians!

When: March 10, 2020, Doors open 6:30pm, Closeup Magic 7:00pm, Stage Show: 8:00pm

Where: The Mint Restaurant, 1414 Douglas Street

Why: Because you enjoy and support live entertainment!

Tickets available for $15 on Eventbrite

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February Meeting – Auction night!

You’ve been waiting a whole year… the most fun night of the year is just around the corner… it’s magician’s Christmas… it’s our annual auction night!

Bring your JUNK lightly and lovingly used effects that are just sitting on your magic shelf and let it be some other sucker’s problem pass it along to some other magi who can put it to good use!

Where: Langford Firehall #2
When: February 18 @ 6:30pm (please note the earlier start time)

Remember, you MUST be a member in good standing to attend this event. If you haven’t paid your dues, please contact Kerry BEFORE Tuesday to sort it out. Please do NOT expect to show up the night of to pay your dues unless you’ve pre-arranged it with Kerry as he will be plenty busy that evening.

Also, it is important that you fill out THREE copies of each lot you plan to sell (10 items per lot) and you can sell multiple lots. This helps everyone if you prepare the auction sheets BEFORE the most entertaining meeting of the year… auction night!

You can print out copies of the auction form here.

See you Tuesday night!

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January Meeting

The first meeting of the new decade will be held on Jan 21st at Langford Firehall #2. Start time is 7:30pm.

The Showtime theme will be: “Magic That Fits in a Card Box”… which leaves it open to a lot – cards, coins, rope, mice, etc.

See you all there!

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